Provide Project Control. The Construction Manager shall be responsible for all construction-related activities and management of all Trade Contractors, Subcontractors, suppliers, vendors and materialmen, under direct contract with Construction Manager. Before allowing any Trade Contractor to commence, the Construction Manager shall procure insurance documentation as is required under the applicable agreement between Landlord and Client and deliver originals thereof to Owner (retaining copies with the Books and Records). Thereafter, Construction Manager shall supervise the performance of Trade Contractors and the Subcontractors and coordinate such performance with the activities and responsibilities of Owner and other Project Team members, to ensure completion of the Project in accordance with the Construction Schedule, the Construction Budget, Owner’s objectives of cost, time and quality, the Contract Documents and all Laws. Ensure that no part of the project is left in an unfinished or incomplete condition related to any disagreement between or among the various Trade Contractors as to where the work of one begins and ends for another. Reject as required, and cause Trade Contractors to replace or correct all work which does not comply with the Contract Documents.

  • Provide, through the Trade Contracts or otherwise, all labor, materials, construction equipment, tools, temporary utilities and services, and subcontracted items necessary to complete the project.
  • Maintain a competent full-time staff at the Project Site to provide complete supervision, direction and administration of the Work and coordinate the activities of the Trade Contractors and other construction activities on the Project, as specified in this Agreement.
  • Establish Owner-approved on-site organization and lines of authority in order to carry out the Work and to implement determinations by the Project Team so as to cause the completion of the Project in accordance with Owner’s objectives for cost, time and quality.
  • Establish and implement procedures for coordination among Owner, Project Team, and Construction Manager with respect to all aspects of the Project.
  • Schedule and conduct regular weekly meetings with Owner, Project Team and Trade Contractors to assess progress, procedures, and any problems or issues in performing the Work. Prepare, and promptly distribute within two (5) days, written minutes of such meeting to Owner, Project Team and Trade Contractors.
  • Diligently monitor the Construction Schedule and construction progress and take all necessary steps to assure adherence to such Construction Schedule. Identify and notify Owner and Project Team in writing of any and all potential variance between scheduled and probable completion dates. Review the Construction Schedule for portions of the Work not started or incomplete and recommend to Owner and Trade Contractors adjustments in such Construction Schedule to meet Substantial and Final Completion Dates.
  • Monitor and determine the adequacy of Trade Contractors’ personnel and equipment and the availability of materials and supplies to meet the Construction Schedule. Take corrective action when requirements of a Trade Contract are not being met.

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