The Construction Manager shall assist the Expeditor in obtaining necessary permits, licenses, filings and governmental approvals that are necessary for the Project in a timely fashion as not to adversely impact the Construction Schedule (unless such permits, licenses, filings and governmental approvals must be obtained directly by the Trade Contractor or Subcontractor, in which case the Construction cause the Trade Contractor or Subcontractor, as the case may be, to obtain such items in a timely fashion). Costs and/or fees associated with these permits are not included in the Construction Managers general conditions or overhead/fee. Generally, the Construction Manager will be responsible for the following activities. Further, Construction Manager shall provide the following:

  • Assist and ensure that Expeditor obtain, or cause the Trade Contractor or Subcontractor, as the case may be, to obtain any necessary permits and inspections that may be required by the Work.
  • Assist and ensure that Expeditor, Trade Contractors or Subcontractors, as the case may be, obtain approvals from all the authorities having jurisdiction over the Project or the Work.
  • Originals of all permits, licenses, filings and governmental approvals shall be delivered to Owner or posted at the Project Site as appropriate.

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