Recommend Final Completion of the Work and provide written notice to Owner and Project Team that the Work is ready for final inspection. In addition, the Construction Manager shall provide the following services.

  • Recommend to Owner the guarantees, affidavits, releases, waivers, manuals, as-built and record drawings that should be required on the Project. All of the foregoing shall expressly inure to the benefit of Owner and its successors and assigns.
  • Secure and transmit to the appropriate Project Team members required guarantees, affidavits, releases, and waivers.
  • Secure from appropriate Trade Contractors “as-built” drawings and deliver same to Owner.
  • Turn over to Owner all keys, manuals, record drawings, and operational and maintenance manuals and warrantees.
  • Until Project Manager confirms Final Completion, Construction Manager shall continue to make available when needed, the services of an individual thoroughly familiar with the Project requirements to assure satisfactory completion of all items left incomplete during and after Substantial Completion.

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